桂林品牌好茶—— 觅嫩

2019-12-11 18:53:44 资讯新闻网

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桂林品牌好茶—— 觅嫩

桂林品牌好茶—— 觅嫩

发布时间:2019-01-03 09:27:27 已有: 人阅读





我们想让您在繁华的城市间品茶的时候,不仅可以品出茶的独有滋味,还可以品出桂林山水间的绝佳美景。我们对桂林茶的喜爱与追求,亦如对生活的期许,如此简单,又如此美妙,我们渴望把这些好茶与您分享,觅嫩便乘此而生。当你拿到觅嫩,并一品其茶韵之后,我们所有的努力与付出,相信您都顷刻了然。一盏桂林茶的背后是一个专注推广,传承,保护桂林茶文化的企业,觅嫩就承担起了这样一个重任。购买 淘宝搜索:觅嫩茶 公众账号:觅嫩 微博:觅嫩  亦或登录官网:www.minencha.com




How to define a good tea, I believe that everyone's heart has a own answer, some people care about the craft, some people care about the price, some people pay attention to time, others miss tea together with the feelings. In our view, the good and bad of the product, or to return to its own, give birth to its long place will naturally become the focus of consideration. Guilin landscape is famous, but Guilin tea is not unattended. We would like to buy you a cup of simple good tea from Guilin, we are proud to present these good tea, as the mission of Guilin this city, but also with the deep mountains of the tea farmers of the agreement, such a good mountain, good water, good scenery, good people, they deserve to be recognized. We want you to enjoy tea in the bustling city, not only can produce the unique taste of tea, but also can be produced in Guilin landscape between the excellent scenery. Our love and pursuit of Guilin tea, as well as the expectations of life, so simple, and so wonderful, we are eager to share these good tea with you, find tender will be born by this. When you get to find tender, and a product of its tea rhyme, all our efforts and pay, I believe you are instantly aware. Behind a Guilin tea is a focus on the promotion, inheritance, protection of Guilin tea culture Enterprises, find tender on the assumption of such a heavy responsibility.


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